Certified Scrum Product Owner® (CSPO®)

What is a Certified Scrum Product Owner®?

CSPO® – Certified Scrum Product Owner® is a credential offered by Scrum Alliance®. In Scrum, there are three roles i.e. Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Development Team. The Certified Scrum Product Owner® program focuses on the Product Owner role that includes the features, rights, duties, how to become a great Product Owner (PO), and so on. Being a Certified Scrum Product Owner, you will be responsible to create the product vision, order the Product Backlog, and make sure the best possible job is done to delight the customer. You will also be able to help the team in delivering a high-value product, maximize project ROI, and maintain smooth communication between the Stakeholders and team members in the organization.

Who is a Product Owner?

Product Owner is the one who:

  • Works directly with the business to gain project-related knowledge.
  • Owns the product backlog because he makes the decisions related to prioritizing the product backlog items.
  • Primarily accountable for Return On Investment.
  • Helps in providing the vision of the product.
  • Comes with more of a business perspective.

Why become a Certified Scrum Product Owner®?

Certified Scrum Product Owner® is a stepping stone to get started in project management. If you are looking to enhance your skills and credibility to lead product development initiatives, then the Certified Scrum Product Owner® Program is for you. This CSPO® online training will teach you the competencies of a successful Product Owner. You will learn

  • How to produce efficiently without compromising quality
  • How to handle a product together with Scrum teams
  • How to order the backlog of the product while ensuring that the product is delivered, etc.

What will you learn?

Upon successful completion of the CSPO® workshop, the learner will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamentals of the Product Owner Role while working with stakeholders and the development teams.
  • Determine the product strategy, create a prioritized product roadmap and release planning.
  • Analyze customer research and product delivery.
  • Apply the opportunities to test assumptions during product discovery, product development, and delivery.
  • Understand the relationship between the outcome and output with the Product Owner’s responsibility to maximize value.

Course Outline

Scrum Basics

  1. Understand the Scrum Flow, the core components of the Scrum framework, and the Scrum vocabulary
  2. Understand the principles/legs of empirical process control
  3. Understand the work culture Scrum creates

Roles & Responsibilities

  1. Understand the scope of the Product Owner role in detail
  2. Understand the scope of the Scrum Master role at a high level
  3. Understand the scope of the Team role at a high level
  4. Understand why there is no project manager and no agile product manager

Product Vision

  1. Understand the importance of having the product vision as an overarching goal galvanizing the entire Scrum team
  2. Understand the desirable qualities of the vision
  3. Understand how the vision can be shaped
  4. Understand the importance of carrying out just enough prep work
  5. Understand the relationship between vision and product roadmap


  1. Understand the different estimation levels in Scrum
  2. Understand that the accuracy of an estimate is more important than the precision of the estimate
  3. Understand that estimates of size and duration can be done separately
  4. Understand the impact of pressuring team members to provide low estimates
  5. Understand the difference between estimating and committing

The Product Backlog

  1. Understand what the product backlog is (and is not)
  2. Understand product backlog grooming


  1. Understand the importance and benefits of prioritizing the product backlog
  2. Understand the implications of saying everything is mandatory
  3. Understand who should have input into prioritization decisions
  4. Understand that proper prioritization of a product backlog is based on multiple factors
  5. Understand and know how to apply formal approaches to prioritizing (i.e., beyond just “gut feel” or intuition)
  6. Understand how much latitude to give a team in adjusting the sequence of work

Release Management

  1. Understand the goal of release management
  2. Understand that planning is adaptive, iterative, and collaborative
  3. Understand why quality is frozen and the concept of technical debt
  4. Understand why software should be released early and frequently
  5. Understanding and measuring velocity
  6. Understand the release burndown chart
  7. Understand how a release plan can help forecast the future


  1. Understand the product owner’s role in the Scrum meetings
  2. Understand how the Product Owner and Development Team collaborate during the Sprint
  3. Understand what team commitment means
  4. Understand why sprints are timeboxed and protected
  5. Understand the concept of sustainable pace

Who Should Attend Certified Scrum Product Owner®?

This CSPO® workshop will be beneficial for:

  • Business Analyst/Senior Business Analyst
  • Quality Assurance professional
  • Product Manager/Product Owner
  • Product owners/Existing scrum professional
  • Scrum Enthusiast
  • Software Developers/Software Engineers
  • Manager and Architects – Software development
  • Team leads interested in learning Scrum

What will you get?

  • CSPO® Online Training with 100% success rate
  • Training by an elite panel of Certified Scrum Trainers (CSTs)
  • You will earn 16 PDUs and 30 SEUs.
  • 100% Assured Scrum Alliance certification
  • 2-year membership with Scrum Alliance
  • Continuous learning and support to advance your Scrum understanding


BDT 25,990 Only.

Meet Our Trainer

Sekhar Burra, CST-PCC-CEC is a technocrat, management consultant and an Enterprise Agile Transformation Coach has over 17+ years of using methodologies from Agile to Waterfall. He primarily focusses on building great teams that make great organizations, inculcating agile ways of working, lean thinking, promoting innovation and help leadership transitioning through change that enables business agility.

He has trained and coached more than 16000+ professionals. He is a well-known speaker across various regional, global and International agile conferences. He is a reviewer and contributor of two books titled – “The Agile Mindset” and “The Human Side of Agile”. His client includes – IBM, Citibank, Ericsson, EY, Standard Chartered, and many more.
